Original synthesis technology
“module combination peptide synthesis method”
“Module combination synthesis method” is a way to combine module amino acid composed of
more than two amino acids compared to the existing way to combine one amino acid.
The strength of this is as follows and we are studying and developing a variety of
peptide material’s synthesis techniques such as “liquid convergence synthesis method”
As a patented synthesis technology, there is rapid material synthesis, minimizing impurities occurrence,
reducing refinement time and maximizing retention, improving productivity per arrangement, minimizing production cost,
and it also reduces a period for payment and secures price competitiveness of the peptide material.
The module combination synthesis method is our unique synthesis technology that maximizes yield,
improves productivity and minimizes manufacturing cost through rapid material synthesis,
minimization of impurities and reduction of purification time. To secure price competitiveness and shorten delivery time
Rapid material synthesis
Minimization of purity occurrence
Reduction of purifying time and maximization of retention
Improvement of productivity
Minimization of production cost